Gluten Free

 Why we went gluten free...

At 2yrs old our middle child was tested for Celiac Disease, she had the runs all the time, she was so tiny, but yet she ate all the time. The tests came back negative so we did nothing to change her diet at the time. 

In 1st grade her issues grew, she had diarrhea all the time! She would have accidents at school, Her teacher would call me to come to the school and clean her up. She was so embarrassed! On top of that she was falling behind in her work, she was a slow reader, the smallest kid in her class, and no where near the other kids social level.

In 2nd grade it was worse. She now knew that she was not keeping up with her peers. She burst into tears all the time. And to her frustration, fell even farther behind her class. Her teachers arranged for my daughter to be tested by a psychologist.
They diagnosed her with ADD, said it was the mild girl version. And definitely not the hyper form. But they wanted her to be medicated. And they wanted to do more tests to see what other disabilities they could label her with.

 I made the decision to find another way to help my daughter!

And that is where our journey began...
We did an elimination diet, and quickly found she was a brand new person when we eliminated gluten!
Annaliese is now 11 years old and she is a perfectly normal girl, she is sweet, sensitive, charming and a joy to be around... . . .As long as she is not poisoned with Gluten!

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