Thursday, January 5, 2012


After five days of Mom being sick, my kids were getting board and beginning to complain about the lack of food in the house.

They decided to take action on their own..
My kids ages 12,11 & 7, made a grocery list of things needed in the kitchen and insisted I drive them to the store, they also insist I stay in the car as to not spread my germs.

I did it, I let them go into the store and I sat in the car while they went in to fill the cart.  As I sat there not knowing what to do with myself, I began to panic!
What was I thinking, the world is a scary place, anything could happen! I can see the headlines now "MOM JAILED AFTER SHE DROPS KIDS OFF AT GROCERY STORE!" I don't think what I did was illegal, and my oldest is almost 13, but parents can get in trouble for anything... I had to go in, I know I'm covered in sick germs, and in desperate need of a shower, but the kids have to eat, and I can't go to jail.
Not to mention it's school hours, they'd be getting looks even if I was with them, let alone walking through the store alone!
Once they were in view, I could see that everything was just fine (I'm too quick to overreact). I knew they really wanted to do this for me, it was quite sweet, and my head hurt so bad, so I decided to keep my distance.... I found a bench near the checkout and tried not to fall asleep while waiting for them.

Never once did I think to worry about what they might purchase while at the store. Guess I was too sick to care, as long as they are fed right?... All the junk food at their fingertips, and no Mom to say "no", I can only imagine if my own Mother had let me do the same....

My kids amazed me! They bought an entire weeks worth of groceries, including the biggest bag of spinach I have ever seen,  a 5lb bag of grapefruit, oranges, potatoes, cereal,  gluten free pasta, canned beans, rice cakes, orange juice and a few other things I would have gotten any way. Yay for awesomely responsible kids!!

 The only thing they splurged on was Bolthouse Farms Green Goodness, and they said it was to "boost our immune system". How can I argue with that?

Their grocery bill was $25 under my weekly budget! Not bad at all!
I might have to send the kids shopping more often!

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